Wednesday, April 22, 2009

2 Kings 1-3

Well......its day 111 came and went while I enjoyed every bit of sunshine that I could  and there was NO WIND. It was a rare day here in western Oklahoma.  Even the windmills north of here were turned off.  THAT rarely happens.  I'm going to have to blog better now that the weather is going to finally act like spring.  I'm ready to get out of the house already!!!  JJ is already outside in shorts and a t-shirts.....sported with John Deere boots of course!!! I"m ready to join him....give me sunshine on my shoulders!!!  

2 Kings 1-2 So......1 Kings is over and Ahaziah reigned for two years and Moab got independence.  Ahaziah seeks advice from a Philistine god and God sends Elijah and pronounces God's judgment on his idolatry.   Elijah is then taken up to heaven in the whirlwind and the spirit of him falls down on Elisha.  Elijah really wanted to do this alone, but there was Elisha at every point, turning and following him.  Elijah has a reappearance in Matthew 17 at the transfiguration of Jesus which underlines the importance of this man amongst all the prophets of God.  Elish, left alone, takes up his task straight away.

2 Kings 3:  Joram reigned for 12 years.  A punitive expedition against Moab by the allied forces of Israel, Judah  and Edom, is made hazardous by drought.  Elisha, loving music, promises to end the drought and seeks victory!  

Tomorrow:  chapters 4-5

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