Day 160 my old iphone, the "original" opposed to the 3G or now the latest out as of today the just now an ipod. My new iphone, the 3GS, is in my hands....and the screen isn't cracked and the glass isn't falling out or poking my ears when I talk. So I'm glad I got the new one. It, like the old, does so much more than I"ll ever use or ever even know it does. But the ATT store opened early 7:00AM for the "rush" to buy a new phone. I was 4th in line. Got there at 6:58am. There wasn't a rush here in Big Elk City. But there was a CSI detective in the store to be sure that peace and order were kept!!! OH MY ! REALLY??! BUt it was "standard procedures" for ATT...he had been there since 9:00pm last night guarding the store and was relieved by another officer at 8:00am this morning. You just never know who might get rowdy!! :) It took me over an hour and a half in the store...and I was 4th in line....there was maybe a total of 8 people. Not too crazy....just not too speedy.
Can't you just hear the songs in the psalms??? Mom added a new song to the play list...yes, I hear the songs..there are several that we've read already.....we are singing the psalms and well as reading them!
Psalm 21 This is a psalm of thanksgiving after the king's victory in battle.
Psalm 22 suffering and saving ..this is the psalm of the cross because Jesus used the opening words to cry his anguish on the cross (compare verse 1 with Matthew 27:46; Mark 15:34).
Psalm 23 The old standard! The best known and most loved psalm of all. This pictures God, the Good Shepherd (see John 10). He provides all his people need and leads them through life.
Psalm 24 This psalm is a processional hymn, ....perhaps when the Ark was first carried into Jerusalem. The is at the the doors for God himself to enter!!
Psalm 25 a prayer in trouble another acrostic alphabet poem in Hebrew. The psalmist is harassed by the incessant attack of his enemies and disquieted by his own conscience.
Do you all have your Bible laying on a desk or table...with it opened to where we're reading right now? Look at's right in the middle. We're almost half way through. I'm amazed at that. And we're on day 160...almost half way through the year. I guess we're right on target. Thank you Shannan!