Monday, August 31, 2009

Ezekiel 1-4

Day something..... :) ?????

Ezekiel --summary -- strange visions and powerful dreams. These bring a message of condemnation and consolation to the Jews living in exile in Babylon....remember, because Jerusalem is destroyed.

chapter 1-2 The year, date and time is announced and the location......with the words "the heavens were opened and I saw the visions of God." Ezekiel's vision, though I think they are rather bizarre.....they do, though, have messages that are relevant to us today. Ezekiel had been in Jerusalem, rather than in exile in Babylon, and God had called him to a ministry of prophecy. The message is that God will judge Jerusalem and it will be destroyed. But after that message of despair, when word WAS received that Jerusalem had fallen, the rest of the book of Ezekiel offers a message of hope; though the people are judged, they are not forsaken!!! JUDGED BUT NOT FORSAKEN!!!! A promise of forgiveness!

Later in this chapter, what Ezekiel sees here is only an image...nothing unreal about it. What he sees is very real that he falls down on his face in awe and worship. Oh if only......But for it to make sense to us.....think of it this is a representation of God . This vision of God is given to Ezekiel as preparation for his time of ministry. At other times, God is revealed other ways: to Moses in a burning bush; Isaiah saw God's glory fill the temple....get it?! :) The response is the same...recognizing who is revealing Himself....and responding with Worship and a willingness to serve God!!!!!

chapter 3 As part of Ezekiel's call, God tells him to eat a scroll. NOT what I am cooking tonight, or any night for that matter! :) The scroll contains words of "lament and mourning and woe". Surprisingly, the scroll is sweet...revealing that God's words of judgment are bitter sweet. After eating the scroll, Ezekiel recognizes the task ahead of him......relaying the message to the people in exile. They are "his" people, he belongs to them and loves them and he MUST tell them that God will destroy the city. God's judgment is now inescapable. After seven days of his own mourning, he accepts his own call and begins his ministry.

chapter 4 what crazy things the Lord asks Ezekiel to do!!!! Lie on his side for 390 days and 40 on the other side??? No matter what.....Ezekiel has a desire to please the Lord. He is a beautiful example of whole hearted, sold out and committed to God! May we be so willing!

tomorrow: 5-8

Lamentations Summary

Well.....Lamentations came and went.....but here is a summary. :)

"weeping for a lost city!"

The book of Lamentations is Jeremiah's eyewitness account of the disaster that befalls Jerusalem when the city is invaded by the Babylonian army. Jeremiah had predicted the devastation of his homeland, and he writes this funeral poem to express his grief. Each verse in each chapter begins with a successive letter of the Hebrew alphabet. The book of Lamentations is a vivid reminder that God keeps his promises--even the promises of judgment and destruction.

chapter 1 Lamentations is likens the city of Jerusalem to woman who was once a princess and is now a slave; once a woman full of many children, now a widow, bereaved and alone.

chapter 2 she wears rough clothing and is slowly starving to death.

chapter 3-4 her children fall prey to sickness and YUCK--cannibalism!! the city is in ruins.

chapter 5 Jeremiah ends his lament with the reminder that only God can restore what has been shattered. But the lesson learned: Jeremiah's God is our God....a God of grace as well as judgment.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Jeremiah 42-45

Day 190

JJ is at preschool....and Hannalee is.......too quiet! Hum......

Chapter 42 They've escaped to Egypt even though the word of the Lord was to stay put. They were warned; they disobeyed. To them....Egypt seems safer. They take Jeremiah and Baruch with them.

Chapter 43-44 Jeremiah was taken to Egypt against his will and enacts his last recorded parable, which is the same as previous one. Despite all that has happened in consequence of playing God false, the people still refuse to listen. They will go back to worshipping the Queen of Heaven and "all will be well again." The Queen of Hearts is a pagan god that they were worshipping...thinking that the grass was greener on the other side! WRONG-O! :)

Chapter 45 a nice and short chapter about Baruch. God promises that he will escape the coming slaughter in the tearing down and pulling up of what God has built up and planted. This promise (from chapter 26?) comes true here in v. 5-6.

tomorrow: 46-48 and then 49-50 the next day.


Monday, August 24, 2009


Day 189

Well...if I make it here once a I week now I'm lucky!! I am going to try to get back to everyday. Why do I think I need that one extra hour of sleep?! I could get this blog done AND MAYBE even a shower.......hum........easier said than done. no stories today.....just a blog! : )

Jeremiah 38 well, in case you missed it, because I didn't type it out, Jeremiah got locked up. He got arrested as a deserter, beaten and shut up in a cellar. An appeal to the king, who is anxious to know God's word but lacks faith and courage to act on it, wins Jeremiah a move to the palace courtyard. But Jeremiah remains in close custody on a daily ration of bread as long as supplies last. The next move is to the muddy bottom of the courtyard well, where he would have died but for Ebedmelech's appeal to the king.

chapter 39 Jerusalem is taken and Jeremiah's terrible vision (38:22-23) becomes a reality (39:6-8). God's warning finally give way to judgment(v. 1-10) but even in the midst of judgment, God does not lose sight of individuals. Ebedmelech's life is saved and the Babylonian king takes thought for the prophet. So Jeremiah is the only one to have any say of his own future. He is offered a place of honor at the Babylonian court and he chooses instead to throw in his lot with the have-nots, left behind in the land of Judah!

chapter 40-41 There are those left behind in Judah and those taken into exile. Gedaliah makes a good start as governor. Jerusalem is in ruins and he makes his headquarters at Mizpah. Those who had fled before the army, escaping to the neighboring countries, return and they gather in a good harvest. But three months after Gedaliah ignors warnings, he is assassinated.

tomorrow: 42-45

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Rainbow Lane

Jeremiah 22-25

day 188

JJ LOVED Rainbow Lane yesterday for his first day of preschool!! I only cried when Dusty prayed for us as a family, after I dropped off JJ and then one last time when Dusty called to see if I was crying...."well, I am." I've already realized I'll have to use my time more wisely for those 2 1/2 hours while JJ is gone. He loved it! He glued and made a rainbow. Its on the fridge!! Too cute!! We go again tomorrow!!! We'll both be ready! :)

So I might not being doing too good at this blogging thing lately!!! That week or two when JJ was sick with the terrible virus....I didn't get anything done. But I"m here promises for tomorrow! ;)

chapter 22 King Jehoiakim was warned! This is prophecy from earlier in chapter 21...this king sees his kingship in terms of cedarwood palaces.....with his godly father, Josiah. No one will mourn his passing or honour his death (the honours of a donkey...the ultimate insult!)

chapter 23 a stinging rebuke this has...and a future of hope! The government and the religious leaders alike receive a stinging rebuke......their mis-rules and the lies pronounced in God's name, will not go unpunished. Then comes a wonderful promise: one day God will set on the throne a king of his own choice. The deliverance from exile will put the old exodus from Egypt into the shade! Then the prophets are called as bad as the people of Sodom and Gomorrah. What a message!!! Its no surprise that Jeremiah has encountered bitter hatred from the priests and prophets....just as Jesus did! :)

chapter 24 the date of Jeremiah's vision of the two baskets of gifts in front of God's temple is some time after 597. The exiles are the cream of God's people. God is shaping a future for them. For those who remain in Judah there is no future but destruction. Yet through Jeremiah God still perseveres with his "bad figs."

chapter 25 coming invasion! the year is now 605 when Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon routed the Egyptians. For 23 years now Jeremiah has been repeating and repeating and repeating God's message. And still the people remain unmoved. Now he tells them that the city will fall and they will serve the Babylonians for 70 years in exile. The judgment of God will also fall on the pagan nations that so richly deserve it!

tomorrow: 26-29
Aug. 20 30-31
Aug. 21 32-34

Friday, August 14, 2009

Jeremiah 1-6

Day 187 blinked. Yes, "we" are finished with Isaiah...I know...its hard to tell because I don't think I've blogged at all this week. I'm up and showered and dressed and hair done before Hannalee wakes wait....I hear a stirring.....better hurry!! She's been quite the early bird this week...up before 6 am and won't go back down...BUT then ready for a nap at 9!! Oh well....I actually "won" today....its always a race to get ready! :) JJ's at Meme's and Papa John's. He's finally better. We are now getting ready for a garage sale next weekend. UGH!! But we are getting rid of all things baby! Clothes, toys, bouncy seats......all items must go! we are EVEN clearing out the storage unit my poor in-laws have paid on for 5 years. They have stuff too in there ....but you wouldn't know it.

Laundry going. showered and blogging......

Jeremiah....he wasn't JUST a bullfrog. He was a prophet of the Lord! But, in case Hannalee's wakes up.....the short of it is that his words of warning were rejected!! God's people are warned taht those who do not turn from evil will face severe consequences. Jeremiah does this with passion and tears....a sobering message for the nation of Judah......for over 40 years he stands alone to warn them......repent before its too late! His words fall on deaf ears and he lives to see God's judgment fall.

Chapter 1 sanctity of human life

chapter 2-3 The case against God's people

chapter 3-4.....return, O Israel...repent!! repent! repent! But they don't.....God would save them from exile and bring them home. They are given a preview ofwhat will happen to their nation's collapse before the Babylonian army fill Jeremiah with unspeakable horror!

chapter 5 God searches for a vain of truth and justice among his option but to punish.

chapter 6 declaration of war! All God's warnings have fallen on deaf ears....So God has rejected his people and turned them over to the invading armies. Even Jerusalem will be besieged.

tomorrow: Jer. 7-9

She's awake! :)

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

"Just Because" Roses

My sweet husband was walking out the door to his own crazy day and he had time to bring me flowers this morning!!!!! He brought me a dozen red roses.......just because!!!! He is so sweet!

Thank you, Dusty!! I love you!!!

Isaiah 59-63

Day 186

AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAh! A slight sigh of relief. JJ is up and eating and eating and running around. I think we've survived!! 12 days with Hannalee and now 6 with JJ!! OH ME! Hope we are done with "THE VIRUS."

chapter 59wqxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxzQSDqsssssssSDszX --that was Hannalee typing her thoughts. So here we are at shame and glory! In these chapters (to 66) we return to a restored Jerusalem and life back home, after the exile. Scenes of sin and failure mingle with scenes of future glory.

chapters 60-62 The glorious the gap between the shame of Israel and her glory stands the figure of God!! And so it is for us too!!! Our Avenger and Redeemer......judgment does and WILL give way to promised reality. Chapter 60 pictures the incredible transformation of Jerusalem: filled with glory, light, joy, and excitement. Chapter 61 has an "unnamed" voice of The Servant. Jesus announces his mission by reading these very words in Luke 4. In chapter 62, God will be able to rejoice and delight in his people: a day to long for, pray for and prepare for!

chapter 63....the Avenger....the enemy must be defeated and God's people will not be set free until then.

SHEW!! There. I bloggged finally...again! :) You'd think I could go back to getting up at 6 to blog before the kids.....but NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. Miss Priss thinks she is HUNGRY, STARVING AND WILL EAT HER ARM OFF and gets up at 6:00am!!!!! :) I'm feeding her supper at 9:00pm tonight!! :)

Friday, August 7, 2009

Isaiah 42-44

Day 185

well.....JJ now has the poopies...YUCK!!! Bless his heart!! He's miserable, didn't sleep much; doesn't want to eat; and is now napping. He's pooped since yesterday morning....didn't think Hannalee's was contagious...but who knows!? So he and I are hanging out at home today. I made it to the gym a bit, rocked him, wrestled Hannalee and now they are both napping. Dusty is up at school seeing how many MORE kids enrolled today....he'll be back up to 26 kids I"m sure!! So frustrating...and sharing an aide! ARGH!!!! Too many kids I'm sure. We thought they might be back down in numbers a bit because a lot of the oilfield is really slowing down. But we'll see. He's got 20 now.....there'll be more.

chapter 42 a light for the nations......a new theme begins to unfold, alongside the forecast of Babylon's downfall: God's plan to open the eyes of the whole world and bring them salvation. This was, from the beginning, the intended role of Israel. New Testament writes are in no doubt that the servant Isaiah foresees, the one who will save all humanity by suffering on their behalf, is Jesus.

chapter 43 God's unfailing love and care. In all his people's sufferings God is beside them. HE will set them free again, simply because he loves them and he forgives them!

chapter 44 No God but God!! The forecast of Israel's return.....Israel is God's servant, the object of his love. God as Lord of history, the only one able to draw back the veil on the future! God's promise: that he will set his people free!!!!

tomorrow: 45-48

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Isaiah 36-41

Day 184
Our day.......lazy morning, cleaned house, JJ's tummy hurt...poopey allllll day long; scheduled for church directory pictures at 3:00....canceled at 1:30 because didn't think JJ felt good. Called back at 2:00 to say we'd be there....he was up and running around. Took pics....girls in "peach" boys in "blues." We looked cute. :) Of course, they want you to buy $60 packages....we didn't buy a thing. But we'll be in the directory. Meme and Papa John are coming over to play with the kids while Dusty and I get a date!!! We are going to the community theatre play, "The Wedding Singer." I remember it being a stupid and terrible movie, but this play will be funny...because we know the people in it. The plays here are always great!! We love going. When the kids are bigger Dusty and I are going to be in a play sometime. :) It's on my bucket list! :)
chapters 36-39 These three chpaters are a straghtforward historical account. They follow all the prophecies of chapters 1-35.
cahpter 40-41 Up to this point, the book of Isaiah has been largely taken up with the threat from Assyria. Chapter 39 provided a transition to the next major era: the time of Babylonian domination. In 587 Judah was devasted for a second time...the first in 598. The Temple was destroyed. T he false confidence that God would protect Jerusalem, no matter what, was shattered and thousands were taken into exile. The following chapters, in the next readings til chapter 55, will serve as hope for the exiles. There is a message of comfort in c hapter 40......they people, in their distress, will be comforted....God is coming as he promised. Chapter 41....has a tone that God is a stern lawyer as he brings the nations to court. But with his own people he will be loving and tender. They have nothing to fear! Glad that includes us too!
tomorrow: 42-44

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Isaiah 31-35

day 183

chapter 31 Woe to the rebels!!!! Well...those who rely on Egypt. Judah is in league with Egypt and they think they are secure against Assyria......forget (they think) all of the earlier warnings from Isaiah!! I mean, there is a reason he is called a PROPHET!!! :) And wouldn't you know, it is God who saves in the end. We know that!!! Thanks to the prophets and moreso, Jesus! Like a lion standing over its prey, like a bird protecting its nest.....God will unfailingly defend his people. He pleads with them to turn to HIM. How has God pleaded with YOU to turn to Him lately?

chapter 32 peace, justice and rescue...kinda sums up these next couple of chapters. This chapter starts of with "some day" .....JJ says, can we buy a train again. No JJ. We aren't buying anymore trains. Well, mom, someday...yes, JJ "someday." that appeases him...somewhere in the future of the unknown I've promised to buy trains, tractors, and go places....all "someday!" ;) The prophet returns to talking about the theme of a future king, of a time when justice will reign. vs 6-8 echo wisdom writings; v. 9-14 speak directly to the women of Isaiah's day. They are living a life of careless ease, but those days are numbered. They will mourn their loss.V. 15 looks again to to a time of lasting peace, justice and righteousness. This will be brought about the working of God's Holy Spirit in his people.

chapter 33 When God intervenes...don't you love it? We sometimes "think" we don't like it, but God never, ever fails matter what. This chapter is full of laments, prayers, hymns of many moods. The lesson: only those who live by their faith in God remain unshaken in circumstances like these. Again...we get a glimpse of the future king... a glorious vision unfolds. God never deserts his own. Where God is king, all is safe, all are cared and provided for, sins are forgiven, and sickness unknown! amen? amen!

chapter 34 judgment for the nations--one day, God will avenge the wrong done to his people! Seen the news lately-- 'nuff said!!! :)

chapter 35 salvation for God's people.....God is coming for his people to bring them home. There is healing and wholeness and gladness in song!

tomorrow: 36-41

Monday, August 3, 2009

Isaiah 23-27

Day 181

UGH!!! I've seen the forecast for the week.....over 100 everyday! YUCK!!! Get out the kiddie pools!   Mom and dad....better stay in CO!! Except....JJ is missing you...better come on hom anyway! :)  

Chapter 23  up to here, and including this chapter about Tyre, there has been a long list of condemnations against the nations.  There has been a collection of prophecies against foreign nations...God's concern is NOT just for his own people.  The whole world is His.  Tyre was a city corrupted by its own wealth and success, and Isaiah warns of the approaching end.  There has been battles of power and control back and forth and forth and back.  Tyre regained control from Assyria, but only to loose it again to the Babylonians.  

Chapters 24-27  Judgment and salvation!  From the particular--God's judgment on specific nations--we move to the universal time when God will judge the whole world and everyone in it.  Life will not go on for ever just as it is. One day God will step in and end the world as we know it.  There will be  a shaking of foundations and the world, weighed down by sin, will collapse.  BUT!!! Hear the good news....God's purpose is NOT just to condemn.  One chapter of judgment (24) is followed by three (25-27) on rescue and saving.  Death will be destroyed and grief will be no more. The nations will sit down at God's great celebration banquet.  Chapter 26 breaks into song!!!  Its theme is trust.  In life there is waiting, suffering and failure, but God holds fast! The day will come when God's purpose is fulfilled.  The final harvest will be when all God's people will be brought home.  

tomorrow:  28-30