Day something..... :) ?????
Ezekiel --summary -- strange visions and powerful dreams. These bring a message of condemnation and consolation to the Jews living in exile in Babylon....remember, because Jerusalem is destroyed.
chapter 1-2 The year, date and time is announced and the location......with the words "the heavens were opened and I saw the visions of God." Ezekiel's vision, though I think they are rather bizarre.....they do, though, have messages that are relevant to us today. Ezekiel had been in Jerusalem, rather than in exile in Babylon, and God had called him to a ministry of prophecy. The message is that God will judge Jerusalem and it will be destroyed. But after that message of despair, when word WAS received that Jerusalem had fallen, the rest of the book of Ezekiel offers a message of hope; though the people are judged, they are not forsaken!!! JUDGED BUT NOT FORSAKEN!!!! A promise of forgiveness!
Later in this chapter, what Ezekiel sees here is only an image...nothing unreal about it. What he sees is very real that he falls down on his face in awe and worship. Oh if only......But for it to make sense to us.....think of it this is a representation of God . This vision of God is given to Ezekiel as preparation for his time of ministry. At other times, God is revealed other ways: to Moses in a burning bush; Isaiah saw God's glory fill the temple....get it?! :) The response is the same...recognizing who is revealing Himself....and responding with Worship and a willingness to serve God!!!!!
chapter 3 As part of Ezekiel's call, God tells him to eat a scroll. NOT what I am cooking tonight, or any night for that matter! :) The scroll contains words of "lament and mourning and woe". Surprisingly, the scroll is sweet...revealing that God's words of judgment are bitter sweet. After eating the scroll, Ezekiel recognizes the task ahead of him......relaying the message to the people in exile. They are "his" people, he belongs to them and loves them and he MUST tell them that God will destroy the city. God's judgment is now inescapable. After seven days of his own mourning, he accepts his own call and begins his ministry.
chapter 4 what crazy things the Lord asks Ezekiel to do!!!! Lie on his side for 390 days and 40 on the other side??? No matter what.....Ezekiel has a desire to please the Lord. He is a beautiful example of whole hearted, sold out and committed to God! May we be so willing!
tomorrow: 5-8