Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Jeremiah 22-25

day 188

JJ LOVED Rainbow Lane yesterday for his first day of preschool!! I only cried when Dusty prayed for us as a family, after I dropped off JJ and then one last time when Dusty called to see if I was crying...."well, I am." I've already realized I'll have to use my time more wisely for those 2 1/2 hours while JJ is gone. He loved it! He glued and made a rainbow. Its on the fridge!! Too cute!! We go again tomorrow!!! We'll both be ready! :)

So I might not being doing too good at this blogging thing lately!!! That week or two when JJ was sick with the terrible virus....I didn't get anything done. But I"m here promises for tomorrow! ;)

chapter 22 King Jehoiakim was warned! This is prophecy from earlier in chapter 21...this king sees his kingship in terms of cedarwood palaces.....with his godly father, Josiah. No one will mourn his passing or honour his death (the honours of a donkey...the ultimate insult!)

chapter 23 a stinging rebuke this has...and a future of hope! The government and the religious leaders alike receive a stinging rebuke......their mis-rules and the lies pronounced in God's name, will not go unpunished. Then comes a wonderful promise: one day God will set on the throne a king of his own choice. The deliverance from exile will put the old exodus from Egypt into the shade! Then the prophets are called as bad as the people of Sodom and Gomorrah. What a message!!! Its no surprise that Jeremiah has encountered bitter hatred from the priests and prophets....just as Jesus did! :)

chapter 24 the date of Jeremiah's vision of the two baskets of gifts in front of God's temple is some time after 597. The exiles are the cream of God's people. God is shaping a future for them. For those who remain in Judah there is no future but destruction. Yet through Jeremiah God still perseveres with his "bad figs."

chapter 25 coming invasion! the year is now 605 when Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon routed the Egyptians. For 23 years now Jeremiah has been repeating and repeating and repeating God's message. And still the people remain unmoved. Now he tells them that the city will fall and they will serve the Babylonians for 70 years in exile. The judgment of God will also fall on the pagan nations that so richly deserve it!

tomorrow: 26-29
Aug. 20 30-31
Aug. 21 32-34

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