Saturday, November 19, 2011

Day 135 It's a "Wonder-Full" Life

Last night was JJ's Thanksgiving/Christmas program for Western Oklahoma Christian School.  The prek and K kids from all three campuses did Thanksgiving stuff and the kids from the Clinton campus in 1st-6th grades did a Christmas program.

JJ did a great job....he's such a performer...I can't imagine where he gets it from??! :)  He was handsome, spoke out loud and proud and made us and God proud! His school (all 14 of them) spelled out the word T-H-A-N-K-S-G-I-V-I-N-G and had a poem to go with each word.  JJ had the letter "N"....  "N is for neighbors, across the street and over seas."  Then they sang 2 short songs about Thanksgiving. 

 We love you JJ Reed! And we think your group of friends here at this school are just awesome! 

1 comment:

  1. JJ did such a great job. He spoke right up, and we could hear him singing above everyone else. He always looks happy to be doing what he's doing. Then the older kids sang an upbeat Hallelujah Chorus from The a school! Then ice cream afterwards. What could be better! We love you JJ!
